Debating competition at HASA conference:
R5000 in prize money for the top orators
The HASA Conference 2016 organisers take pride in announcing a debating competition for both undergraduate and postgraduate students at the time of the conference in Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng.
The theme up for discussion is:
The contemporary discourse on the South African university sector is good: but deserves more historical reflection for society to understand the current conundrum
The theme covers a broad spectrum of fields and it is required of speakers to select the areas on which they wish to focus.
There will be a pre-conference session on 21 June (09:00-16:00) at North-West University’s Vaal Triangle campus, where the finalists will be identified to speak in the final round of the competition at the HASA conference session on 23 June 2016.
The competition is limited to the first 25 participants to register for the event. There is no entrance fee. Guidelines for the competition accompany this notice. Participants stand a chance to win R5000 in prize money
Speeches have to conform with the set of guidelines that accompany this notice.
Three nationally qualified adjudicators and their assistants will be responsible for the competition. The chief sponsor of the competition is the Vanderbijlpark branch of the ATKV national debating competition.
Speakers may use any of the official languages of South Africa. However, speakers, wishing to use languages, other than English or Afrikaans, are advised to secure the services of a simultaneous translator who should be in a position to translate the information into either English and/or Afrikaans. Headphones will be available for the audience.
Participants must please register with Ms Petra Lawson at
Click here to download the manual for participants
Redenaarskompetisie tydens HGSA konferensie:
R5000 in prysgeld vir die topsprekers
Die organiseerders van die HGSA 2016-konferensie kondig met trots aan dat ‘n redenaarskompetisie vir beide voor- en nagraadse studente tydens die konferensie in Vanderbijlpark aangebied sal word.
Die tema van die debat is:
Die tydgenootlike diskoers oor die Suid-Afrikaanse universiteit sektor is goed, maar verdien meer historiese besinning vir die samelewing om huidige knelpunte te verstaan
Die tema dek ‘n breë spektrum van velde en daar word van sprekers verwag om ‘n selektief te werk te gaan in die velde waarop hulle wil fokus.
Daar sal ‘n voor-konferensie sessie op 21 Junie (09:00-16:00) by Noordwes-Universiteit se Vaaldriehoekkampus plaasvind waartydens finaliste aangewys sal word om in die finale ronde van die kompetisie tydens ‘n sessie van die HGSA-konferensie op 23 Junie die woord te voer.
Die inskrywings word beperk tot die eerste 25 deelnemers wat registreer vir deelname aan die kompetisie. Inskrywing is gratis. ‘n Handleiding vir die kompetisie vergesel hierdie kennisgewing.
Drie nasionaal gekwalifiseerde beoordelaars en hul assistente sal verantwoordelik wees vir die kompetisie. Die hoofborg van die geleentheid is die Vanderbijlkparkse tak van die nasionale redenaarskompetisie van die ATKV.
Sprekers mag in enige van die amptelike tale van Suid-Afrika die woord voer. Daar word egter aanbeveel dat sprekers wat tale, anders as Afrikaans of Engels, wil gebruik, die dienste verkry van simultane vertolkers wat vertroud sal wees met hul taal en ook daartoe in staat sal wees om die gegewens aan die gehoor te vertolk. Oorfone sal tydens die verrigtinge vir die gehoor beskikbaar wees.
Registreer asb. by: Me Petra Lawson by